Why Do You Require Expert Carpet Cleaning Services

The carpet requires the right kind of care if you want to maintain the comfort and softness of your carpet for a long period. Sudden spills and potential stains require immediate cleaning up otherwise your carpet becomes dull and harmful. Expert Carpet cleaning services help to add new life to your carpet and make your carpet beautiful and stylish. It’s highly recommended to clean your carpet professionally at least once or twice a year. 

Expert Carpet Cleaning Services
Expert Carpet Cleaning Services

Here are the reasons why should you hire an expert Carpet cleaning services:-

  • Extend carpet life

Expert carpet cleaning helps to add life to your carpet by removing dust, dirt, and allergens. The harmful particles get embedded into the carpet fibers and they may split and deteriorate. So if you want to remove the longevity of your carpet fibers then remove dirt and debris. To remove the debris effectively from carpet fibers professionals use a hot water extraction method. This method deeply cleans the carpet fibers and also decreases the build-up of debris. 

  • Provide healthier environment

You may suffer from respiratory problems and other health issues if dust and allergens get trapped in the carpet fibers. Most carpet cleaning experts use high temperatures in the water to kill allergens. In this way, you can save yourself from health threats and sanitize your carpet. 

  • Helps to eliminate stains

Expert carpet cleaning helps to remove the tough stains from the carpet. If required they also use a hot water extraction method to remove the stains. The stains are coffee spills, dust and dirt, ink, pet stains, and red wine stains. So professional carpet cleaning is best to remove dirt stains. 

  • No residue

If you use old products and equipment on your carpet then they may leave some cleaning solution on your carpet. The professional always uses updated equipment and also commercial cleaning products. In this way, they help to restore the beauty of your carpet. With the hot water extraction technique, you will get the best results. The carpet fibers become dirt and stain-free. 

  • Remove odor and smell

If you don’t vacuum your carpet daily then the carpet may smell. The reason behind odor and smell is regular traffic, crumbs, spills, dirt, and dust. So experts have the proper knowledge of carpet cleaning and how to get rid of the nasty smell. The odor problem may also arise due to pet stains and food spills and normal cleaning doesn’t solve your problem. Some products will remove the smell only for a short period but expert carpet cleaning uses high-powered cleaning technologies and solutions.


The life of your carpet will depend on the quality and frequency of cleaning. Experts leave your carpet fresh and alive for a long period. Hire a Carpet Cleaners Neutral Bay if you don’t want to cause any damage to your carpet and save yourself from breathing problems and skin allergies. They save your time and give you peace of mind as their products are non-toxic and not harmful. 

Why Stains Reappear After A Traditional Carpet Cleaning

So, you got your carpet cleaned and now stains are reappearing on the carpet. You might be frustrated and want to sue the cleaner for an improper job of cleaning. But you should wait and listen to the reason Why Stains Reappear On Carpet. You might be surprised once you know that it is a very common issue and you are not the only one. Carpet Stain Reappearing is more normal and common than you might have thought. In some cases, a stain might reappear as soon as the carpet dries. In other cases, it can take up to a week for the stains to reappear on the carpet.

However, there is nothing that you need to worry about as we will explain why this is happening. There are two main reasons for Stains Reappearing On Carpets. The first reason behind this is something that is known as Wicking and the second one is Residue. One of these originates from the back of the carpet and the other form the carpet fibres itself.

How Can Wicking Cause The Stains To Reappear?

Some stains often reappear on your carpet and if these stains are appearing from behind then, it is wicking. In this particular case, the original stain that was removed was not cleaned properly. That stain was a bigger problem and it has penetrated the carpet, carpet fibres and the backing itself. It also includes the backing of the carpet, the backing of your carpet has been stained too. 

If you are going to use excessive amounts of water &  rinsing then, it can lead to wicking. Here is how this works, excessive rinsing can cause the water to penetrate the carpet. This can also lead to Carpet Damages. Once the water makes its way to the backing then, it mixes with the stain and becomes dirty and discoloured. Whenever you try to extract this dirty water, you can only remove a certain amount, not all of it. Later, whenever the water evaporates and carpet dries, the water gradually wicks to the surface of the carpet. This leads to Carpet Stain Reappearing on your carpet and you have to hire expensive Carpet Cleaning Services.

How Can Residue Cause The Stains To Reappear?

Stains that often reappear due to residue are the ones that come from the carpet fibres. The reason behind this is the chemical reaction between the Carpet Cleaning agent and the fibres. Whenever you clean your carpet using a cleaning agent, some amount of cleaning will stick to the fibres. Once it sticks to the fibres of the carpet it will become a magnet for dirt and grime. Carpet Vacuuming or Regular Carpet Sanitisation is not enough in such cases, you should take some essential steps. Dust and dirt are going to stick to the residue and cover that area. If you have high traffic then, it becomes more noticeable. Areas such as halls, walkways, stairs are the most noticeable.

As time passes by it becomes a stain that all of us hate. The worst part of this problem is that it cannot be eliminated completely. No matter how much you try, you cannot remove all of the cleaning agents from the carpet. There will always be some amount of cleaning agent inside your carpet, this causes the Stains Reappearing On Carpet. 

What Do You Need To Do To get rid of it?

The only way through which you can get rid of this is by using a residue-free cleaning agent or hire a Local Carpet Cleaning Company like Carpet Cleaning Neutralbay. As there are not many residue-free cleaning agents available in the market. But the only thing that you can do is take the help of our Professional Carpet Cleaners and get the best services of Carpet Steam Cleaning or Dry Cleaning.